
Simple rates

Simple rates are of the form X/u where X is a number of requests and u is a unit from this list:

  • s - second
  • m - minute
  • h - hour
  • d - day

(For example, you can read 5/s as “five per second.”)


Setting a rate of 0 per any unit of time will disallow requests, e.g. 0/s will prevent any requests to the endpoint.

Rates may also be set to None, which indicates “there is no limit.” Usage will not be tracked.

You may also specify a number of units, i.e.: X/Yu where Y is a number of units. If u is omitted, it is presumed to be seconds. So, the following are equivalent, and all mean “one hundred requests per five minutes”:

  • 100/5m
  • 100/300s
  • 100/300


New in version 0.5.

Rates can also be callables (or dotted paths to callables, which are assumed if there is no / in the value).

Callables receive two values, the group and the request object. They should return a simple rate string, or a tuple of integers (count, seconds). For example:

def my_rate(group, request):
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        return '1000/m'
    return '100/m'

Or equivalently:

def my_rate_tuples(group, request):
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        return (1000, 60)
    return (100, 60)

Callables can return 0 in the first place to disallow any requests (e.g.: 0/s, (0, 60)). They can return None for “no ratelimit”.