Using Django Ratelimit

Use as a decorator

Changed in version 4.0.


from django_ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit
@ratelimit(group=None, key=, rate=None, method=ALL, block=True)
  • groupNone A group of rate limits to count together. Defaults to the dotted name of the view.
  • key – What key to use, see Keys.
  • rate

    ‘5/m’ The number of requests per unit time allowed. Valid units are:

    • s - seconds
    • m - minutes
    • h - hours
    • d - days

    Also accepts callables. See Rates. A rate of 0/s disallows all requests. A rate of None means “no limit” and will allow all requests.

  • methodALL Which HTTP method(s) to rate-limit. May be a string, a list/tuple of strings, or the special values for ALL or UNSAFE (which includes POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH).
  • blockTrue Whether to block the request instead of annotating.

HTTP Methods

Each decorator can be limited to one or more HTTP methods. The method= argument accepts a method name (e.g. 'GET') or a list or tuple of strings (e.g. ('GET', 'OPTIONS')).

There are two special shortcuts values, both accessible from the ratelimit decorator or the is_ratelimited helper, as well as on the root ratelimit module:

from django_ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit

@ratelimit(key='ip', method=ratelimit.ALL)
@ratelimit(key='ip', method=ratelimit.UNSAFE)
def myview(request):

ratelimit.ALL applies to all HTTP methods. ratelimit.UNSAFE is a shortcut for ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE').


@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='5/m', block=False)
def myview(request):
    # Will be true if the same IP makes more than 5 POST
    # requests/minute.
    was_limited = getattr(request, 'limited', False)
    return HttpResponse()

@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='5/m', block=True)
def myview(request):
    # If the same IP makes >5 reqs/min, will raise Ratelimited
    return HttpResponse()

@ratelimit(key='post:username', rate='5/m',
           method=['GET', 'POST'], block=False)
def login(request):
    # If the same username is used >5 times/min, this will be True.
    # The `username` value will come from GET or POST, determined by the
    # request method.
    was_limited = getattr(request, 'limited', False)
    return HttpResponse()

@ratelimit(key='post:username', rate='5/m')
@ratelimit(key='post:tenant', rate='5/m')
def login(request):
    # Use multiple keys by stacking decorators.
    return HttpResponse()

@ratelimit(key='get:q', rate='5/m')
@ratelimit(key='post:q', rate='5/m')
def search(request):
    # These two decorators combine to form one rate limit: the same search
    # query can only be tried 5 times a minute, regardless of the request
    # method (GET or POST)
    return HttpResponse()

@ratelimit(key='ip', rate='4/h')
def slow(request):
    # Allow 4 reqs/hour.
    return HttpResponse()

get_rate = lambda g, r: None if r.user.is_authenticated else '100/h'
@ratelimit(key='ip', rate=get_rate)
def skipif1(request):
    # Only rate limit anonymous requests
    return HttpResponse()

@ratelimit(key='user_or_ip', rate='10/s')
@ratelimit(key='user_or_ip', rate='100/m')
def burst_limit(request):
    # Implement a separate burst limit.
    return HttpResponse()

@ratelimit(group='expensive', key='user_or_ip', rate='10/h')
def expensive_view_a(request):
    return something_expensive()

@ratelimit(group='expensive', key='user_or_ip', rate='10/h')
def expensive_view_b(request):
    # Shares a counter with expensive_view_a
    return something_else_expensive()

def post(request):
    # Uses the X-Cluster-Client-IP header value.
    return HttpResponse()

@ratelimit(key=lambda g, r: r.META.get('HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP',
def myview(request):
    # Use `X-Cluster-Client-IP` but fall back to REMOTE_ADDR.
    return HttpResponse()

Class-Based Views

New in version 0.5.

Changed in version 3.0.

To use the @ratelimit decorator with class-based views, use the Django @method_decorator:

from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.generic import View

class MyView(View):
    @method_decorator(ratelimit(key='ip', rate='1/m', method='GET'))
    def get(self, request):

@method_decorator(ratelimit(key='ip', rate='1/m', method='GET'), name='get')
class MyOtherView(View):
    def get(self, request):

It is also possible to wrap a whole view later, e.g.:

from django.urls import path

from myapp.views import MyView

from django_ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit

urlpatterns = [
    path('/', ratelimit(key='ip', method='GET', rate='1/m')(MyView.as_view())),


Make sure the method argument matches the method decorated.


Unless given an explicit group argument, different methods of a class-based view will be limited separately.

Core Methods

New in version 3.0.

In some cases the decorator is not flexible enough to, e.g., conditionally apply rate limits. In these cases, you can access the core functionality in ratelimit.core. The two major methods are get_usage and is_ratelimited.

from django_ratelimit.core import get_usage, is_ratelimited
get_usage(request, group=None, fn=None, key=None, rate=None, method=ALL, increment=False)
  • requestNone The HTTPRequest object.
  • groupNone A group of rate limits to count together. Defaults to the dotted name of the view.
  • fnNone A view function which can be used to calculate the group as if it was decorated by @ratelimit.
  • key – What key to use, see Keys.
  • rate

    ‘5/m’ The number of requests per unit time allowed. Valid units are:

    • s - seconds
    • m - minutes
    • h - hours
    • d - days

    Also accepts callables. See Rates.

  • methodALL Which HTTP method(s) to rate-limit. May be a string, a list/tuple, or None for all methods.
  • incrementFalse Whether to increment the count or just check.
Returns dict or None:

Either returns None, indicating that ratelimiting was not active for this request (for some reason) or returns a dict including the current count, limit, time left in the window, and whether this request should be limited.

is_ratelimited(request, group=None, fn=None, key=None, rate=None, method=ALL, increment=False)
  • requestNone The HTTPRequest object.
  • groupNone A group of rate limits to count together. Defaults to the dotted name of the view.
  • fnNone A view function which can be used to calculate the group as if it was decorated by @ratelimit.
  • key – What key to use, see Keys.
  • rate

    ‘5/m’ The number of requests per unit time allowed. Valid units are:

    • s - seconds
    • m - minutes
    • h - hours
    • d - days

    Also accepts callables. See Rates.

  • methodALL Which HTTP method(s) to rate-limit. May be a string, a list/tuple, or None for all methods.
  • incrementFalse Whether to increment the count or just check.
Returns bool:

Whether this request should be limited or not.

is_ratelimited is a thin wrapper around get_usage that is maintained for compatibility. It provides strictly less information.


get_usage and is_ratelimited require either group= or fn= to be passed, or they cannot determine the rate limiting state and will throw.


class ratelimit.exceptions.Ratelimited

If a request is ratelimited and block is set to True, Ratelimit will raise ratelimit.exceptions.Ratelimited.

This is a subclass of Django’s PermissionDenied exception, so if you don’t need any special handling beyond the built-in 403 processing, you don’t have to do anything.

If you are setting handler403 in your root URLconf, you can catch this exception in your custom view to return a different response, for example:

def handler403(request, exception=None):
    if isinstance(exception, Ratelimited):
        return HttpResponse('Sorry you are blocked', status=429)
    return HttpResponseForbidden('Forbidden')


There is optional middleware to use a custom view to handle Ratelimited exceptions.

To use it, add ratelimit.middleware.RatelimitMiddleware to your MIDDLEWARE (toward the bottom of the list) and set RATELIMIT_VIEW to the full path of a view you want to use.

The view specified in RATELIMIT_VIEW will get two arguments, the request object (after ratelimit processing) and the exception.